Jacqueline Parkinson is a Children’s Occupational Therapist based in Harpenden, Hertfordshire. She is the founder of Magnificent Munchers which specialises in food therapy for children on limited diets often referred to as fussy or picky eaters. The team work with all children from toddlers to teenagers using the SOS (Sequential, Oral, Sensory) approach
At Magnificent Munchers we work with children who have the following eating difficulties:
- Limited/decreasing range of foods in their diet (less than 20)
- Refuses to eat either whole textures or categories of food
- Excessively cries/tantrums when presented with new foods
- Gags or vomits when offered or in the proximity of new food
- Reacts excessively to food on hands or around face
- Children who struggle with social eating e.g. in restaurants with the family
Is your toddler not eating a wide range of foods? Does your child appear to be more than just a picky eater? Does your child have ARFID?
Magnificent Munchers work with children from 2-16 years of age. We offer both individual and group food therapy sessions tailored to meet your child’s specific needs. We work with parents/carers helping them understand the steps to eating process by working at their child’s pace. With our high staff ratio and specialist therapy knowledge we aim to help children learn to explore a wider variety of tastes and textures and become happy social eaters.
The team, consisting of a Children’s Occupational Therapist, Speech and Language Therapist, Dietician and two Therapy Assistants, will work with children with a variety of conditions including those on the Autistic Spectrum and ARFID (Avoidant Restricted Food Intake Disorder).
We aim to offer a flexible approach to therapy to fit in around school/work schedules with some evening and weekend appointments available.
If you are anxious about your child’s eating habits, please contact the Magnificent Muncher’s team to discuss further.
Group Food Therapy
Group Therapy course for children aged 3-10. Help your child enjoy a variety of foods.
Individual Therapy
Therapy tailored to your child at home or in a restaurant. Help your child enjoy family mealtimes.
Book Sessions
Dates and venue details of our next courses. Help your child discover the fun in food.
Our Mission
We want to make mealtimes
enjoyable times
Meet our Team
A fully qualified and experienced team, with the enthusiasm and skills to ensure fussy eaters learn to enjoy meals.
Jacqueline Parkinson
Children’s Occupational Therapist BSc (Hons)
Marian Browne
Speech & Language Therapist BMEDSci(Sp) Cert MRCSLT
Simon Beames
Children’s Dietician BSc (Hons) in Dietetics
Jane Nugent
Occupational Therapy Assistant
Fran Brooman
First Aid Trainer
See us on the news
Genetics is a factor but things can still change and food ranges can be increased but it takes time and parents need the right support.
Love Needs No Words Podcast
We chatted with Love Needs No Words and explained how we work at Munchers, shared some tips and discussed the difference between fussy eaters and ARFID.